
Starting Over,

Or Reaching For a

Big Goal? 


If you are getting started or starting over I have been there. A few times.

  • You want to start exercising but you hate exercise
  • You don’t know where to start
  • You used to work out but life happened
  • You have a big goal in mind, but you tried on your own and it didn’t go the way you wanted?

Are you ready for a coach who can get you started and get you across the finish line pain-free?

Case Study → From the best shape of my life to cancer treatment to starting over 

In 2016, I was at a great weight, was running the fastest mile times I had run as an adult, and had just had the best physical and blood work results of my life. 

Then a couple weeks later a breast cancer diagnosis…. at 43.

10 months later → I was post chemo for about 2 months  and had 5 months left of targeted treatment infusions. 

I was even back to walking my dogs every day, I was not back to running. If you’re like me you are motivated by big goals and the support of a community to help me meet those goals.


The back story – In 2010 my cousin was in treatment for Burkitt’s large cell lymphoma and I was in need of a jump start back to running.

At the time I ran the Mickey Marathon at Disney with the Leukemia Lymphoma Society in her honor. 

But while I was at Walt Disney World I learned the Mickey Marathon was just the beginning!

Next up is Goofy’s Race and Half Challenge which essentially means you complete both the Half Marathon and the Marathon races.

  • ½ marathon on Saturday 
  • Full marathon on Sunday

That’s a grand total of 39.3 miles across all four parks in two days!

BUT... As I was looking at the races to register for Goofy  I saw Dopey. The Dopey Challenge is the most strenuous set of Disney races that exists and I thought why not? 

In Dopey’s Challenge You Complete 

  • 5k on Thursday 
  • 10k on Friday
  • ½ marathon on Saturday 
  • Full marathon on Sunday

Complete all 4 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend races within the time allowed and you earn:

  • 4 Individual Events Medals
  • Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge Medal
  • Dopey’s Challenge Medal

That’s a grand total of 6 Medals and 48.6 miles across all four parks in one weekend!


Yes, I registered for Dopey’s Challenge while I still had 5 months of treatment for breast cancer to go. 

I had not run a step in nearly a year. I had 10 months to get ready. I needed some outside help.

I am a fan of Jeff Galloway. He is an Olympic gold medal marathoner who believes in a run/walk approach to training and racing. It is an approach that has worked for me in training for 2 marathons and many half marathons. He also is the Disney race training guru. His training plan for Dopey is designed to get you across the finish line on marathon day still standing.

The first step was to get out and actually go for a run. I had no clue what it was going to look like.

I was 3 minutes a mile slower than before my cancer treatment but it felt good to be able to run again. A place to start.

I got back to running 3 to 5 miles 3 times per week for a couple of months before really diving into Jeff’s Dopey training schedule. 

When I started the Dopey training I could walk a 14.5 minute mile. It was my intention to walk the first three races at 14.5 minute miles and run/walk the marathon. The goal was finishing strong with minimal pain. 

You cannot do 48.6 miles in 4 days and not be a little sore. You can still be mobile enough to enjoy some Disney and Universal  park time though!


My training was not without setbacks. We had guests for Thanksgiving and one of our visitors had strep throat, being immunocompromised I ended up getting it and lost nearly 2 weeks of long distance training a month before race day. 

I took the break my body needed and got back to work.

Race weekend I finished every race strong at my goal average of 14.5 minute miles. I used the health and run coaching, Pilates, Yoga, and massage therapy tools in my tool kit to stay injury free and achieve a big goal just one year out from the end of my chemotherapy treatment.


I can help you get moving again using those same tools. Whether you want to be able to walk your dog, get up and down off the floor to play with your grandkids, or run a marathon injury free, I have a program to support you to crush those goals.

Ready to put our evidence based tools and proven solutions to work for you?

5 + 13 =


