Look Better, Feel Better, Live Stronger

Through Better Movement.

Health & Wellness Coaching | Pilates| Yoga | Massage Therapy

Let’s be honest. You are not a textbook. Nor should your body be treated as one.

Proven simple-to-use tools that create real-world, life-changing results in your body, mind, and life.

Surviving is just the beginning….Let’s get you moving again.

Work With Me

Has life thrown you a curve ball?

  • Only feeling 80% after surgery, joint replacement, or physical therapy?
  • Stroke, Parkinson, MS, have you unsteady on your feet?
  • Don’t remember what it feels like to live pain-free? 

Need proven solutions to feel better now?

Well, you’re in the right place!

You ARE a cancer survivor the day you are diagnosed.

  • Can’t concentrate, stay on task, or brain fog wearing you out?
  • Did treatment leave you with chronic pain that just won’t quit?
  • Neuropathy got you unsteady on your feet?

Did you know studies found exercise lowers the risk of  cancer recurrence by approximately 30%?

No idea where to start and fearful of an injury or increased pain?

Starting, Starting Over, Or Reaching For a Big Goal?

  • You want to start exercising but:
  • You hate exercise
  • You don’t know where to start
  • You used to work out but life happened
  • You have a big goal in mind but, You tried on your own and it didn’t go the way you wanted?

Are you ready for a coach who can get you started and get you across the finish line pain-free?

Heard of Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema (BCRL)?

  • EVERY breast cancer survivor has a lifetime risk for BCRL.
  • The more types of treatment you received, the higher your risk.
  • Never get blood pressure checks, vaccines, blood draws, or IVs on your affected arm.
  • If your affected arm sometimes feels heavy, tingly, achy, it may be a sign of early BCRL.

Is this all new information?

Don’t worry we have you covered.

Unspoken Truths of a Cancer Journey

Jennifer Cochran | TEDxCatoctinCircleWomen

Have you ever been in a doctor’s office and had them say, “Hmm, that is weird”? Or, worse, “You are healthy, there is nothing wrong with you”, yet you know there is.

In The Unspoken Truths of a Cancer Journey, Jenn talks about this and other unspoken truths that patients and caregivers face when dealing with serious illness like cancer.

Unspoken Cancer Truths


The podcast will meet you where you are in your journey as a survivor or a caregiver so you can make the leap from surviving to thriving together, even on those days you might just want to stay in bed!

365 Cancer Truth Notes

Cancer Truth Notes: #365

Cancer Truth Notes: #365

Cancer Truth Note: #365 Seven years ago today I finished chemo. Then I learned that treatment is not the end of the journey. Surviving is JUST the beginning. I really thought, “GREAT. I am done with this part. I should be back to full strength in 3 weeks and be fine...

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Cancer Truth Notes: #364

Cancer Truth Notes: #364

Cancer Truth Note: #364 Remember depression, anxiety, fear of recurrence, and other mental health challenges are common side effects for cancer survivors. These may show up more strongly as the days get shorter and colder here in the northern hemisphere. If you are...

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Cancer Truth Notes: #363

Cancer Truth Notes: #363

Cancer Truth Note: #363 We don’t always see the impacts cancer treatments are having on us clearly, but most of the time if something is off you know it. Maybe tasks that were easy are now harder to process. Maybe your memory is not working like it used to. Maybe you...

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