Cancer Truth Note: #158

Bite sized actions build over time, if you START.
Believe it or not, big changes can start to happen 30 seconds at a time.
The bigger challenge may be getting past your brain telling you a story about how much you doubt whether or not this can work for you and actually taking action to experience what is possible.
Sound familiar?
I have told the story of getting back to walking my dogs post chemo. It was a series of experiments. The only way to know how I would respond at different times of day was to try walking them at different times of day!
Fortunately the first time out went well. The second time, the following morning, was a disaster. I mean an epic disaster laying on the floor in my kitchen while the dogs stood in the entryway looking at me in full harness and leash for 30 minutes while I pulled it together level disaster. Later that day I tried again. Success.
All attempts are information. Not good or bad. Information.
While my second attempt was really challenging it was information that I used to make the next morning walk better. I planned to do the minimum and keep my longer exercise walks for later in the day when my body could handle it better.
If I had not taken the first step to start, I would not have learned anything.
So starting is important, even when it feels hard or scary or both.
Later in May I will share more about the fitness side of my surgery recovery in the facebook group Surviving is Just the Beginning and in my weekly newsletter. So if you want to get in on that join the group or DM me.
I am going to share my surgery recovery in real time so you can see the challenges and successes and how to navigate them.
What can you take the first step to start today? Drop it in the comments.
Continue the conversation in the facebook group Surviving is JUST the Beginning or follow me on Instagram.
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