Cancer Truth Note: #240

by | Jul 30, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note

Did you know your pain has a map? Research shows your brain can CHANGE the map.

I have been doing brain body work for a while now. In my studio we use brain speed charts, the brainspeed ball, and VOR charts to train the vestibulo-ocular reflex to get the body and the brain on the same page. Sometimes the work seems like magic. The changes are so immediate. People want a simple answer as to why it works. So I keep looking for the simple answer.

I was recently reading The Brain’s Way of Healing, by Norman Doidge, M.D. about ways in which neuroplasticity (the nervous system’s ability to change after injury) showed up in a variety of instances, like traumatic brain injuries, following a stroke, with Parkinson’s patients, etc. It is really a fascinating and pretty straight forward read.

Pain has an important function in our body. In an acute situation pain says don’t do that, that is bad. When it becomes chronic there is a problem. The pain is no longer providing a helpful service. It is exhausting and desensitizing. It needs an intervention.

I was really fascinated by the work of Michael Moskowitz, M.D. where he describes the body creating a pain map and the brain being able to interrupt the pain map and replace it with a smaller map by visualizing the pain getting smaller. Not only did it work for his own pain, he has used the same tools with patients who are at the end of their options for managing their pain with great results

Do you have a pain map that needs an intervention?

Continue the conversation in the facebook group Surviving is JUST the Beginning or follow me on Instagram.

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