Cancer Truth Note: #323

by | Oct 21, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note

 The idea of what is “normal” is a made up construct. It can and does change over time. Are you embracing it or fighting it?

This is definitely a cancer truth, it is also a life truth.

I have many aging clients. One of the reasons they work with me is to stay moving and healthy and head off sedentary conditions by exercising and addressing challenges the moment they come up.

I often find myself having the same conversations. As we age, how you did something 10 years ago may no longer be how you do the same thing today. Or the less popular… you really should stop doing that (fill in the blank for that… lifting heavy weights, doing shoulder stand with a shoulder injury, etc.)

Or, more challenging, maybe you have been doing yoga for 2 decades, but you have tight muscles and you have bad habits. Your body twenty years ago could absorb a poorly done pose, attempted without props because your body was twenty years younger. Today that poorly done pose is causing you pain.

Just because you have been doing a thing for 20 years does not mean that it is worthwhile or in some cases safe for your body today. This is what I mean by the definition of normal changing over time.

Are you embracing an evolving normal or fighting it?

Continue the conversation in the facebook group Surviving is JUST the Beginning or follow me on Instagram.




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