Cancer Truth Note: #84

by | Feb 24, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note

Do you use the five whys? If you are avoiding a scan, a checkup, personal interactions, certain kinds of movement, fill in the thing you are avoiding at all costs, asking why five times, helps to dig into the real meat of the why.

The five whys is a tool you can use with anything you are struggling with. Challenges making healthy choices. Check. Challenges getting or staying on an exercise plan. Check. Staying in a relationship or friendship that no longer serves you. Check.

Here is how it works. Let’s say your doctor wants you to prioritize exercise. So you keep trying and failing to keep this on the schedule. You ask yourself why. Maybe your response is, “exercise is awful.” Why, dig deeper, “I am not a gym person.” Why, “I don’t want people watching me.” Why, “I don’t even know how to use the equipment at the gym.” Why, “I haven’t really given the gym a chance, I can ask for help.” After 5 whys you are closer to the real reason holding you back.

There are lots of answers that may come up. Do you have an area where you are wanting to create a plan or get to the bottom of what is in your way to enacting the plan you thought you wanted to do? Try out the five whys and let me know how I can help. Drop your big A ha’s or roadblocks in the comments.

Continue the conversation in the facebook group Surviving is JUST the Beginning or follow me on Instagram.




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