by Jennifer | Apr 21, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #140 People show up for the “project” that is cancer treatment; then stop showing up when the real challenges of recovering from treatment begins. KristinaKotlus said it perfectly in episode 10 of Unspoken Cancer Truths (formerly the Cancer Cliff... by Jennifer | Apr 20, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #139 The “new normal” is not just a COVID-19 buzz phrase. It is often an unexpected reality for cancer survivors. COVID-19 made the “new normal” a bit of a reality for everyone, at least for a little while. My husband had never worked from home.... by Jennifer | Apr 19, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #138 Cancer patients can feel abandoned when treatment ends. This is a tough one. You get diagnosed with cancer and the barrage of people begins; the endless doctors appointments and tests, the phone calls from family members and friends, the... by Jennifer | Apr 18, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #137 Fear of recurrence can be a strong motivator or demotivator, depending on your action style. In cancer truth 128 I talked about preferences. How much information do you want or need to get or NOT get when it comes to a diagnosis or treatment.... by Jennifer | Apr 17, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #136 Chronic pain can increase fears of recurrence. Since we do not always know how common chronic pain is and the fact that this can be random and lifelong, when we continue to experience pain we worry that there could be recurrence. Add to that... by Jennifer | Apr 16, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #135 Chronic pain resulting from surgery does not always need to be solved with more surgery. Alternative treatment modalities like massage therapy and acupuncture may be more effective and less invasive than more surgery to reduce or alleviate...