Cancer Truth Notes: #229

Cancer Truth Note: #229 Cancer treatment can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes.  This is one of those truths that no one is really talking about. Similar to lymphedema, there are many factors that can contribute to making us more or less vulnerable to certain side...

Cancer Truth Notes: #228

Cancer Truth Note: #228 Quieting inner mind chatter is good for mental health and overall wellness. Can you be with the quiet and value the timeout?  One of my favorite parts of Eat, Pray, Love is when Liz Gilbert is on silent retreat at an ashram in India and she is...

Cancer Truth Notes: #227

Cancer Truth Note: #227 Celebrating small actions can quiet your inner judge and keep you taking small steps that lead to bigger things. How often do you celebrate accomplishments? What kind of accomplishments do you celebrate? When was the last time you celebrated a...

Cancer Truth Notes: #226

Cancer Truth Note: #226 Gratitude can shift your perspective in a moment. Every day is a spectrum of emotions. One of my dogs is a willful hound. If you know any hounds you know they are opinionated. Trixie is particularly challenging these days when it comes to...

Cancer Truth Notes: #225

Cancer Truth Note: #225 Climbing a mountain, running a race, navigating cancer treatment… easy or hard is all about perspective.  What did you think when you saw those items, easy or hard? Why did each item seem easy or hard? Drop it in the comments and let’s chat...