Cancer Truth Notes: #335

Cancer Truth Note: #335 Patient notes are not just for doctors or practitioners anymore. They should be FACTUAL and not JUDGE you. Documenting patient notes is not what it used to be. In the land of patient portals everything that goes into notes these days is then...

Cancer Truth Notes: #334

Cancer Truth Note: #334 Cancer can lead to loss. Loss of body parts, loss of people, loss of pets. A constant in life is death. Death can also be figurative, the end of one thing to make way for the start of another.  Remembering those we lost is a way of keeping...

Cancer Truth Notes: #333

Cancer Truth Note: #333 Stand in the power of your choices. Trust AND verify. If you have questions, make sure they are answered before you agree. This might seem a little over the top. When it comes to cancer treatment our doctors are experts. They also have a very...

Cancer Truth Notes: #332

Cancer Truth Note: #332 Knowing the WHY of your treatments and surgery approaches means you are more empowered to make decisions quicker for or against.  I will forever tell people understanding why they have cancer is a fruitless prospect. With the exception of...

Cancer Truth Notes: #331

Cancer Truth Note: #331 Scars serve a purpose. Sometimes they form to hold you together. Sometimes they need to be kneaded to release the pain from the past. All scars show your bravery for the thing, whatever thing you endured.   There are some situations where scar...