by Jennifer | Nov 26, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #359 Accept help gratefully when it is offered, even if you are not sure you need it. ASK for help when you need it! It is so common to think someone needs help more than me. Here is the truth.The availability of help is not finite. I remember when... by Jennifer | Nov 25, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #358 Lymphedema is a life long risk. As a cancer survivor, If you had one or more lymph nodes removed you have a risk for lymphedema. If you had radiation treatment, you have a risk for lymphedema. Certain chemotherapy treatments are now also being... by Jennifer | Nov 24, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #357 Curiosity beats Judgement every day. Often the opinions of others come from a place of judging what we should be doing. Remember, “should” is someone else’s priority! When we shift from judgment to curiosity there is a different energy in the... by Jennifer | Nov 23, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #356 Your life, your choices! It is as simple as that. There are a lot of opinions out there. Some are educated opinions, some are not, some are solicited, and some are not! When faced with a cancer diagnosis we make a lot of choices. In... by Jennifer | Nov 22, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #355 Cancer truths are life truths illuminated by a spotlight! Nearly a year ago I started posting daily cancer truths. At an event recently someone asked me, “Do 365 truths about cancer exist?” The short answer is yes. Cancer Truths are life... by Jennifer | Nov 21, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #354 When it comes to cancer survivorship, there are more than 18 million cancer survivors in the United States and no known benchmarks for their physical or mental wellbeing. Shocking. The Healthy People 2030 plan has Cancer survivor physical and...