Cancer Truth Notes: #127

Cancer Truth Note: #127 Naming things you are grateful for everyday, wherever you are today, especially on hard days, keeps you moving forward toward healing.  Cancer survivorship is a rollercoaster. Some days are great and some days are, well, not so great. Even on...

Cancer Truth Notes: #126

Cancer Truth Note: #126 Supportive significant others are worth their weight in gold. Truth! I am fortunate. I have a significant other who is supportive and picks up my slack when I need help.  I know this is not always true for people. When the significant person in...

Cancer Truth Notes: #125

Cancer Truth Note: #125 Taking the time you need to heal is not selfishness or weakness. It is the embodiment of strength. Down time is a necessity. As a recovering Type A personality, I struggle with my to do list languishing when down time is forced on me. As a...

Cancer Truth Notes: #124

Cancer Truth Note: #124 Healing takes as long as it takes. Be patient!  Patience has never been one of my strong suits. A few days ago I talked about restrictions and the importance of following them. I had a procedure a couple weeks ago and while I feel better and my...

Cancer Truth Notes: #123

Cancer Truth Note: #123 No matter how much we learn, there are always new and crazy things that pop up.  Sometimes I think I have heard everything. Then I remember the more I learn the more there is to learn. I have interviewed people from different countries with...

Cancer Truth Notes: #122

Cancer Truth Note: #122 Restrictions after procedures are normal. Receiving clear directions and fully understanding the why behind the restrictions is often lacking. If a direction is unclear, continue to ask questions until you are clear. Restrictions are there to...