by Jennifer | Oct 15, 2013 | Fitness, Motivation, Pilates, Running, Yoga
When we left our story last week, you were finding an event to register for and possibly teaming up with a buddy. Now that we have our event and our training plan we need the right gear! Today I’m talking about three categories of gear to get you started: Shoes and... by Jennifer | Oct 1, 2013 | Fitness, Happiness, Motivation, wellness
“It’s too hot.” “It’s too cold.” “It’s raining”… and my personal favorite… “I don’t have time today. I’ll do it tomorrow.” Sound familiar? Not enough time to work out is one of the top reasons people give for not getting... by Jennifer | Sep 17, 2013 | Fitness, Running, wellness
If you listen when your body whispers, you will not have to hear it scream. Author Unknown Many years ago, before I found yoga and Pilates, I ran my first marathon. It was grueling. Fortunately the summer I trained was fairly temperate for the D.C. area, unlike this... by Jennifer | Aug 28, 2013 | Fitness, Motivation, Pilates, Running, Yoga
I am always a little surprised by the ways in which we sabotage ourselves with what we can’t do rather than just saying “I’m doing that” whatever that is. Many moons ago I got a postcard in the mail to “go further than you’ve gone...