Cancer Truth Notes: #325

Cancer Truth Note: #325  Facts in the absence of a plan to take action can be scarier than being in the dark.  During a recent talk on breast cancer related lymphedema, a breast cancer survivor, who thought the risk for some people was lower than it really is, piped...

Cancer Truth Notes: #324

Cancer Truth Note: #324 The unknown is scary. Side effects that are unexplained or under treated are also scary. Keep asking questions until you find the explanation that you need.   I was speaking at a retreat about breast cancer related lymphedema (bcrl) a couple of...

Cancer Truth Notes: #323

Cancer Truth Note: #323  The idea of what is “normal” is a made up construct. It can and does change over time. Are you embracing it or fighting it? This is definitely a cancer truth, it is also a life truth. I have many aging clients. One of the reasons they work...

Cancer Truth Notes: #322

Cancer Truth Note: #322 Cancer treatment feels like a sprint. Cancer survivorship is definitely more like a marathon no one told you you’d be running. This is one of the five truths in my TEDx Talk Unspoken Truths of a Cancer Journey. Treatment ends and the oncologist...

Cancer Truth Notes 321

Cancer Truth Note: #321 People are weird. If you are triggered by unique opinions, it is ok to say thank you and walk away.  This is a good principle to apply always… People are weird and everyone has opinions.  It is ok to not engage.  Do what you need to do to take...