by Jennifer | Jun 10, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #190 Cancer survivorship may mean LOTS of doctors! One of the things that makes me great at my job is I have worked with a lot of clients with a lot of stuff. As a result I often recognize warning signs, especially if I have worked with someone for... by Jennifer | Jun 9, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #189 Older generations may not share medical challenges in a timely manner or EVER. I have relatively young parents, comparatively speaking. They are the worst when it comes to looping us in when there is something going on. I know we are not alone.... by Jennifer | Jun 8, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #188 Men are less likely to talk about a cancer diagnosis. Dane David was the first man I interviewed for my podcast. Several women had talked about their husbands’ stories, but I had not interviewed a man. A few months after Dane and I... by Jennifer | Jun 7, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #187 Telling your story can help someone else. I have met a lot of folks navigating cancer treatments and life in cancer survivorship. That happens when you seek out others to hear their stories. About six months after my treatment had ended, I... by Jennifer | Jun 6, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #186 Your voice and your story matters. Last week I was on Capitol Hill talking with my representatives in Congress. I was there with a group of about 100 people thanking our representatives for passing the Lymphedema Treatment Act as part of the... by Jennifer | Jun 5, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #185 As cancer survivors pleading the case of what we are dealing with post cancer, sometimes feels like screaming into a void. Thriving in cancer survivorship is a relatively new area of study. For the better part of 50 years the focus of our...