Cancer Truth Notes: #153

Cancer Truth Note: #153 Sometimes the voices in our head, with the very good intentions of keeping us safe, are actually keeping us stuck.  Have you ever noticed this? Often we may not even know where that voice is coming from.  You may remember my hospital story....

Cancer Truth Notes: #152

Cancer Truth Note: #152 Changing your scenery and adding some play for 5 minutes can shift your mood.  For the past several days I have been posting about how sneaky depression can be. One of the tricks I use for this is moving. This has been more than a little...

Cancer Truth Notes: #150

Cancer Truth Note: #150 Anxiety, agitation or restlessness can exist on their own, be the result of a longer than expected recovery period or may be a sign of depression.  So many of the things we are talking about this week can exist for several reasons. Maybe...

Cancer Truth Notes: #149

Cancer Truth Note: #149 Fixating on past mistakes may be an effort to find reasons for a cancer diagnosis or it may be a sign of depression.  Often when receiving a cancer diagnosis there is a search for why. This might show up as punishing yourself for past choices...

Cancer Truth Notes: #148

Cancer Truth Note: #148 Unusual emotional responses to everyday situations may be a sign of depression or another condition entirely.  I know many people who have experienced this differently. Remember feeling all the feelings is a good thing. Sometimes it takes us...

Cancer Truth Notes: #147

Cancer Truth Note: #147 Not answering the phone, not calling friends back, and not responding to text messages may be a need for space or a sign of depression.   In episode 76 of Unspoken Cancer Truths, Belinda Gill and I talked about this exact challenge. She noticed...