Cancer Truth Notes: #317

Cancer Truth Note: #317 You don’t really know what someone else is going through unless you ask. If you ask, be ready to really hear the response.    We are not all fine or good or whatever canned response you may offer all the time. Sometimes we couldn’t be better...

Cancer Truth Notes: #316

Cancer Truth Note: #316  With a lifetime risk for breast cancer related lymphedema, it is best to avoid blood draws, blood pressure checks, vaccines or IVs in your affected arm. While these may not cause lymphedema, they can turn a low level lymphedema into a more...

Cancer Truth Notes: #315

Cancer Truth Note: #315 Breast cancer survivors who have surgery, chemo, and/or radiation have a lifetime risk for breast cancer related lymphedema. If you had 2 or more of these treatments your risk is estimated at 40% or higher.   These comments today look a lot...

Cancer Truth Notes: #314

Cancer Truth Note: #314 Cancer survivors who had lymph nodes removed or radiation treatment could be at risk for lymphedema. Ask your medical team for a baseline screening.   I am often asked, “What do I do if I have never been screened?” It is never too late to get...

Cancer Truth Notes: #313

Cancer Truth Note: #313 You don’t know what you don’t know. Sometimes what we think we know changes as we learn more. This is even more true as it relates to cancer. Treatments are constantly improving. How we stage cancers and the treatment recommendations can also...

Cancer Truth Notes: #312

Cancer Truth Note: #312 Words, colors, symbols, songs, places, etc can all be triggers for memories. Some good, some not. I mentioned recently that breast cancer survivors may be triggered by the color pink. I had a professor recently who was raised in a communist...