Cancer Truth Notes: #184

Cancer Truth Note: #184 Sometimes our cup is full. Sometimes we need to pour out some of what we think we know to discover new things we did not know we needed to hear. Have you ever been to an event for something you were maybe an expert in and the main presenter...

Cancer Truth Notes: #183

Cancer Truth Note: #183 No matter how many cancer stories I hear, I always learn something new. Always! It is amazing. Everytime I talk with a cancer survivor I learn something new. I learn about a new treatment, an old treatment, a new side effect, a new condition,...

Cancer Truth Notes: #182

Cancer Truth Note: #182 Telling your cancer story can be healing. Yesterday I shared how surprising telling our story can be. When talking to people on my podcast, Unspoken Cancer Truths, often the story that came out in the telling was not exactly the story they...

Cancer Truth Notes: #181

Cancer Truth Note: #181 Telling your cancer story can be surprising. A couple years after my cancer diagnosis, I was at a meeting where they were talking about podcasts. I left that meeting with an idea of a 30ish minute podcast that would be part survivor stories and...

Cancer Truth Notes: #180

Cancer Truth Note: #180 People who have not experienced a cancer journey, may not believe some of these truths are really true. I have told the story of my mom sharing my podcast with strangers in a cafe. Their daughter in law forbade the family to share her diagnosis...