Cancer Truth Notes: #179

Cancer Truth Note: #179 It is necessary to feel your feelings, on a schedule that works for you. Everything is not rainbows and bunnies all the time. Consequently some people may be freaked out by bunnies, so something else to consider. Yesterday, I talked about how...

Cancer Truth Notes: #178

Cancer Truth Note: #178 A cancer journey is a trauma. Or maybe even a series of traumas depending upon your situation. In the early days of diagnosis and throughout treatment there are a lot of things happening that can make us respond to things in a more emotional...

Cancer Truth Notes: #177

Cancer Truth Note: #177 When you are prepared for other people’s crazy, responding and letting the comments go, gets easier. Because I talk about how weird people can be, myself included, I often am asked “How can I respond better when someone tells me something...

Cancer Truth Notes: #176

Cancer Truth Note: #176 Someone who disappeared after your diagnosis and reappears later may not need to be vanquished from your life forever, unless they do. You get to choose. Yesterday I flipped the script a bit on ghosting. Remember it is about them not you. Often...

Cancer Truth Notes: #175

Cancer Truth Note: #175 People are weird. If someone ghosted you after diagnosis or treatment it may just mean THEY were not strong enough at the time to face your situation.   Say it with me now… People are weird. Every single cancer survivor I have met has this...