The Cancer Truth notes are here to highlight those truths we survivors and caregivers are facing every day, but no one is talking about. Let’s make the leap from surviving to thriving together, even on those days you might just want to stay in bed! Participate in the conversation in the Facebook group Surviving is JUST the Beginning or on Instagram.
Cancer Truth Notes: #356
Cancer Truth Note: #356 Your life, your choices! It is as simple as that. There are a lot of opinions out there. Some are educated opinions, some are not, some are solicited, and some are not! When...
Cancer Truth Notes: #355
Cancer Truth Note: #355 Cancer truths are life truths illuminated by a spotlight! Nearly a year ago I started posting daily cancer truths. At an event recently someone asked me, “Do 365 truths...
Cancer Truth Notes: #354
Cancer Truth Note: #354 When it comes to cancer survivorship, there are more than 18 million cancer survivors in the United States and no known benchmarks for their physical or mental wellbeing....
Cancer Truth Notes: #353
Cancer Truth Note: #353 More from the “people are weird” front… You never have to be available for people's judgment. NEVER. A friend posted a med update from her hospital room last week. In it she...
Cancer Truth Notes: #352
Cancer Truth Note: #352 People are weird. Be available for genuine curiosity, even if it might be a little clumsy or not start out with the softest words. Curiosity and open communication are how we...
Cancer Truth Notes: #351
Cancer Truth Note: #351 You don’t have too many doctors! You have a deep network of people keeping you healthy. I have a client who is annoyed by how many doctors he has. We joke about it quite a...
Cancer Truth Notes: #350
Cancer Truth Note: #350 If your doctor is not interested in answering your questions or working with you to find answers to something that does not have an answer right now, find a new doctor. If...
Cancer Truth Notes: #349
Cancer Truth Note: #349 I am a big fan of being alive. That does not mean, I cannot be angry when my doctors discount or dismiss the conditions treatment left me with. It should not be enough that...
Cancer Truth Notes: #348
Cancer Truth Note: #348 Cancer Survivorship is a bit like being locked out of your house, after you had the locks changed, and you haven't hidden a backup key. The locksmith is busy, it’ll be a...
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