Cancer Truth Notes: #275

Cancer Truth Note: #275 In cancer survivorship we may be stronger in some areas than we were before cancer and we may be more challenged in others. How we embrace the challenges is what is most important. Before my cancer diagnosis I ran a 10k race where I ran the...

Cancer Truth Notes: #274

Cancer Truth Note: #274 Everyday is an opportunity to do something fun. Whether you choose to take half a day to hike, or kayak, or do a puzzle, or take one hour out of your day to read a book or knit or play a game; how you spend your time is a choice.  Our ability...

Cancer Truth Notes: #273

Cancer Truth Note: #273 During and after treatment for cancer it is important to know the right questions to ask before working with personal trainers, massage therapists, acupuncturists, etc. Having great training is not enough, being on board with your goals,...

Cancer Truth Notes: #272

Cancer Truth Note: #272 Massage therapy can be beneficial for reducing anxiety or managing chronic pain.  Massage therapy is a great tool for reducing chronic pain, managing anxiety, and treating lymphedema. Before seeking out a massage therapist during treatment,...

Cancer Truth Notes: #271

Cancer Truth Note: #271  Check ups, screenings, bloodwork, etc are GOOD. Prioritize them. They are designed to keep you on a healthy path.  The number of doctors we have after a cancer diagnosis can sometimes seem overwhelming. You may have primary care, oncologist,...

Cancer Truth Notes: #270

Cancer Truth Note: #270 Grief is a fluid process that does not always make sense. Take it a moment at a time.  Grief is a part of life. We grieve the loss of people, pets, body parts, paths not taken, etc. Every loss manifests grief in different ways and sometimes it...