by Jennifer | May 17, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #166 Wellbeing isn’t just about physical health. Wellbeing can be physical, financial, mental, emotional, social, and purpose. In the world of health coaching, well any coaching really, we look at what some call a wellness wheel. There are many... by Jennifer | May 16, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #165 As cancer survivors we have an opportunity to normalize end of life conversations, especially when life is still very much happening. My conversation with Denise Manos that I referenced yesterday in episode 45 was about talking about what was... by Jennifer | May 14, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #163 Having a will, medical directive, and end of life wishes documented is a GIFT to your loved ones. Not a white flag of surrender. When I was preparing for surgery my husband and I were not married. I was very confident it would go well, I would... by Jennifer | May 13, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #162 A cancer diagnosis may be a catalyst to “get your affairs in order.” Is this a silver lining or a dark cloud? Whether those words were used or not, getting our affairs in order can actually make us feel lighter and less stressed. When the junk... by Jennifer | May 12, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #161 When we have an understanding tribe, navigating challenges may be easier. I have been a volunteer for Casting for Recovery for a few years now. In episode 44 of Unspoken Cancer Truths... by Jennifer | May 11, 2023 | Cancer Truth Note
Cancer Truth Note: #160 Shifting our brain’s focus for 30 seconds to a minute can unlock our creativity, quiet attention challenges, and calm down chronic pain. Last week we talked about a change of scenery helping us to give our brain a mini reset. I have been...