The Cancer Truth notes are here to highlight those truths we survivors and caregivers are facing every day, but no one is talking about. Let’s make the leap from surviving to thriving together, even on those days you might just want to stay in bed! Participate in the conversation in the Facebook group Surviving is JUST the Beginning or on Instagram.
Cancer Truth Notes: #266
Cancer Truth Note: #266 Patient Advocates work for you, not specific medical facilities. One key distinction between a patient advocate and a nurse navigator is that the patient advocate works for...
Cancer Truth Notes: #265
Cancer Truth Note: #265 Experienced patient advocates can guide you through your choices, help you form questions for appointments, help you find the best doctors for your unique situation and go to...
Cancer Truth Notes: #264
Cancer Truth Note: #264 Figuring out what you are available for AND telling your family, your friends, your doctors, your boss, your co-workers, etc is an important part of navigating cancer...
Cancer Truth Notes: #263
Cancer Truth Note: #263 Squirrel! This is my brain post cancer. Before cancer my ADD was on the chain, under control. Now it is off the chain running off seemingly completely unchecked. This is...
Cancer Truth Notes: #262
Cancer Truth Note: #262 Knowing what needs to change and doing what needs to change are two entirely different things! We have all experienced this. A paper is due in three weeks, yet we drag our...
Cancer Truth Notes: #261
Cancer Truth Note: #261 When we have a medical emergency, cancer, gallbladder, autoimmune flair, etc. adopting healthier habits may feel easier… then time passes. Do you keep up with the healthier...
Cancer Truth Notes: #260
Cancer Truth Note: #260 Everyone has an opinion. During treatment (and after for that matter), do what works and makes sense to you. Take suggestions with a grain of salt, do what is true for you. ...
Cancer Truth Notes: #259
Cancer Truth Note: #259 Treatment days may be great feeling days, or not. It depends on the treatment and the human. Cancer treatment looks different on everyone, you do you! I was in a group last...
Cancer Truth Notes: #258
Cancer Truth Note: #258 We cannot want someone else to take action more than they want to take the action. That is a recipe for annoyance and anger. Have you ever wanted a loved one to try something...
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