The Cancer Truth notes are here to highlight those truths we survivors and caregivers are facing every day, but no one is talking about. Let’s make the leap from surviving to thriving together, even on those days you might just want to stay in bed! Participate in the conversation in the Facebook group Surviving is JUST the Beginning or on Instagram.
Cancer Truth Notes: #311
Cancer Truth Note: #311 Art therapy is a popular cancer survivorship activity. In fact research shows doing something creative every day can boost your overall feeling of well being. A New Zealand...
Cancer Truth Notes: #310
Cancer Truth Note: #310 There are A LOT of adjectives to describe a cancer diagnosis! Those adjectives do not define you. No one thinks a cancer diagnosis is great. Usually there are a lot of...
Cancer Truth Notes: #309
Cancer Truth Note: #309 The process of diagnosis can be slow, scary, and frustrating. ADVOCATE, ADVOCATE, ADVOCATE. Diagnosis is a difficult time. A process that leaves you waiting for appointments...
Cancer Truth Notes: #308
Cancer Truth Note: #308 The more we share our stories, the more we share our gifts and learn from the gifts of others. In cancer truth #307 I mentioned the invisible gifts that we all have. Those...
Cancer Truth Notes: #307
Cancer Truth Note: #307 Your gifts, much like your habits, are often invisible to you. What seems obvious or easy for you may be HARD for someone else. There are the gifts of a circumstance and...
Cancer Truth Notes: #306
Cancer Truth Note: #306 Every circumstance comes with a gift. Even if you cannot see it yet! Truly every circumstance. Some may take years to see the gift in them. If you look, the gifts are...
Cancer Truth Notes: #305
Cancer Truth Note: #305 A LOT of breast cancer survivors HATE pink! True story. I have never been a big fan of pink, I am more of an autumn it just isn’t my color. A couple of years ago I was...
Cancer Truth Notes: #304
Cancer Truth Note: #304 Screening, Screening, Screening… If you are overdue for a check up, well woman exam, colonoscopy, mammogram, cardiologist or some other specialist appointment, STOP what you...
Cancer Truth Notes: #303
Cancer Truth Note: #303 We can strongly disagree and still be friends. Right? One of the things I appreciated about Justice Antonin Scalia and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was their friendship. When...
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